- Evil-Twin : Customizable HTML page with a custom fake "loading/reconnecting" page.
- Deauth All : Deauth all targets in range.
- Multi-target deauth : Choose more than one target to deauth.
- True Deauth : Constantly deauth nearby networks in real-time.
- Rogue AP : Create a fake login page that asks for user's credential.
- Auto-resume : Continue operation even after the module gets restarted unintentionally.
- Monitor Page : Monitor and record status and events.
- Logger : Record events that happened during usage.
- Customizable : Set your own settings and it will stay persistent.
- Sniffing : Count how many users connected to an AP and how much network activities they performed.
- Extender : Connect an AP and then extend it using different AP name.
- File Manager : Upload, choose custom HTML page, or flash firmware in one menu.
- HTML Menu : Choose a custom HTML. You will get the preview so you can see what the target will see.
- Local Remote. Control another NETHERCAP device to make them work together.
- OLED support : Display real-time status. Support SSD1306 and SH1106.